Luca Svolacchia (working group Prof. Christa E. Müller, Pharmaceutical & Medicinal Chemistry) obtains a PhD scholarship by the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie. His PhD project is focused on the design and synthesis of P2X2-selective and dual/multi-target P2X receptor antagonists, which are expected to ameliorate intestinal inflammation, e.g. in Morbus Crohn and Colitis ulcerosa. Luca grew up in Italy and gratuated at the University of Florence in the field of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and technology before he moved to Bonn for an Erasmus intership. With this scholarship he will now be able to pursue a PhD degree, and we can keep this young, talented scientist in Bonn. Congratulation!
12. April 2022
PhD Scholarship by the German Chemical Industry Association for Luca Svolacchia PhD Scholarship for Luca Svolaccia
He applied for a scholarship by the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie and was selected.
Luca Svolacchia
© Luca Svolacchia
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