01. September 2020

Argelander Grants for BIGS DrugS PhD students Argelander Grants for BIGS DrugS PhD students

BIGS DrugS Phd students do research on Sars-CoV-2

Marie Therese Hopp studies the role of the blood component heme in covid-19 infections. Christian Steinebach, Fabian Baltes and Lukas Gockel are researching the inhibition of Sars-CoV-2 replication.

Christian Steinebach, Lukas Gockel, Fabian Baltes
Christian Steinebach, Lukas Gockel, Fabian Baltes © Uni Bonn
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In her project, junior scientist Marie-Thérèse Hopp (AK Prof. Dr. Diana Imhof, Pharmaceutical Biochemistry & Bioanalytics) studies the potential role of the blood component heme in COVID-19 infections. The aim is to achieve better diagnostics and treatment in cases where hemolytic results are present or occur simultaneously. Junior scientists Christian Steinebach (AK Prof. Dr. Michael Gütschow, Pharmaceutical & Medicinal Chemistry), Fabian Baltes and Lukas Gockel (both AK Prof. Dr. Gerd Bendas, Pharmaceutical & Cell Biological Chemistry) are working on a project to inhibit viral replication. The aim is to develop novel chimeric drugs. These may be able to inhibit the entry of the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus into the human cell and consequently prevent its replication. A novel technology in drug development, namely the use of so-called "proteolysis targeting chimeras" or PROTACs, plays a central role in this process.

Both projects are supported with funds from the Argelander Grant - special call of the University of Bonn for corona research - for one year with 25000 Euro per project. Congratualtion and successful further research!!

Marie Therese Hopp
Marie Therese Hopp © Uni Bonn
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