02. June 2023

Bayer Thesis Award 2022 & BIGS-DrugS Kick-off Meeting 2023 Bayer Thesis Award 2022 & BIGS-DrugS Kick-off Meeting 2023

A highly successful event

Bayer AG, together with the Pharma Center Bonn and the Limes Institute, awarded the PhD prizes for the year 2022. The award ceremony was part of the BIGS DrugS Kick-off Meeting for the new BIGS DrugS class. In addition to the award ceremony, the scientific program included lectures by the awardees and another outstanding young scientist, the presentation of the BIGS-DrugS training program, and poster presentations. Afterwards all attendees celebrated with a beer tapping.

Bayer Promotionspreisverleihung & BIGS DrugS Kick Off Meeting
Bayer Promotionspreisverleihung & BIGS DrugS Kick Off Meeting © D. Müssemeier
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In cooperation with the Pharma Center Bonn and the Limes Institute, Bayer AG has awarded two PhD prizes for outstanding dissertations in the field of pharmaceutical research to outstanding young scientists in the year 2022. The award ceremony was held in combination with the BIGS-DrugS Kick-off Meeting for the Class of 2022. The award winners are:

Dr. Tobias Claff (working group Prof. Christa E. Müller) for his work “X-Ray Crystallography of G Protein-coupled Receptors: Exploring Interactions with Drug Molecules”
Dr. Jan Hendrik Voss (working group Prof. Christa E. Müller) for his work “Receptor-mediated activation and pharmacological inhibition of heterotrimeric G proteins”
Prof. Christa E. Müller (BIGS DrugS speaker) opened the meeting. She welcomed all participants, especially the five members of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Pharma Center and BIGS DrugS. Dr. Nils Burkhardt (Bayer AG) then honored the award winners with a stirring and inspiring speech and presented the certificates. Congratulation to the award winners and wish them every success for their scientific future.

As a special highlight and premiere, the two award winners presented their work to a very interested audience and gave exciting insights into their research.

Dorothee Müssemeier (BIGS DrugS Coordinator) then informed the audience about the three-year BIGS DrugS training program.

Another highlight was the presentation by the excellent young scientist:

Dr. Lukas Gockel (working group Prof. Gerd Bendas). He wowed the audience with his presentation “Inhibition of tumor cell-induced platelet activation by heparins and synthetic heparin mimetics to influence the antitumor immune response”.
The excellent presentations by the three outstanding young scientists and former BIGS-DrugS PhD students motivated the new BIGS-DrugS class to carry out their own research and set the tone for the program.

Meanwhile, Prof. em. Jochen Lehmann appraised the presented posters. He was very impressed by the informative, clear and concise presentation of the young scientists' research.

In his closing remarks, Prof. Alexander Pfeifer (BIGS DrugS speaker) emphasized the special position of the Biomedical Center of the University Hospital Bonn as a key part of the BIGS DrugS structure. He thanked all participants for coming and the coordinators Dr. Amelie Fiene and Dorothee Müssemeier for the organization and invited everyone to a get-together with freshly tapped Kölsch (beer!)- O-zapft is!

Promotionsträger © D. Müssemeier
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