01. July 2024

Bayer AG Thesis Prize Award & BIGS DrugS Kick-Off Meeting Bayer AG Thesis Prize 2023 & BIGS DrugS Kick-Off Meeting

As is now a tradition, the PhD Award Ceremony took place as part of the BIGS DrugS Kick-Off Meeting on July 1st.

Bayer AG Thesis Prize 2023
Bayer AG Thesis Prize 2023 - f.l.t.r.: Dr. (PhD) N. Burkhardt, Dr. (PhD) L. Phuong Vu, Dr. (PhD) K. Dauer, Dr. (PhD) L. Henning © D. Müssemeier
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Prof. Finn K. Hansen (BIGS DrugS Board) opened the event, welcomed all participants and gave the floor to Dr. Nils Burkhardt (Bayer AG). He presented the three awards to

Dr. Lukas Paul Henning (AK Prof. Christian Steinhäuser) - Glial Dysfunction in the Pathology of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Dr. Lan Phuong Vu (AK Prof. Michael Gütschow) - Tool compounds for the investigation of proteolytic events: Development of von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) ligands and combinatorial generation of serine protease inhibitors
Dr. Katharina Dauer (AK Prof. Karl Wagner) - Innovative pharmaceutical stabilization and formulation techniques for protein drugs
The awardees then presented their work. The young scientists presented their research in a competent and exciting way. Their presentations "whetted the appetite for research" of the new BIGS DrugS PhD students.

Dorothee Müssemeier (BIGS DrugS) & Dr. Robert Radu (Bonn Graduate Center) informed the BIGS DrugS PhD students about the three-year BIGS DrugS training program and the many opportunities the Argelander Program at the University of Bonn offers PhD students.

The closing remarks were given by Prof. Alexander Pfeifer, spokesperson of the Pharma Center Bonn. He thanked all participants and invited everyone to a get-together outside with fresh draught beer, which he personally tapped - "o-zapft is"!

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