About us
The key characteristic of the BIGS DrugS program is its interdisciplinary approach. This approach is the cornerstone of an excellent and highly networked research environment and outstanding training for the participating PhD students.
- the long and successful collaboration between scientists from the Faculties of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Medicine
- BIGS DrugS Principal Investigators are experts in all fields of pharma research and related fields. They create an excellent research environment and offer the best support for their PhD students
- our collaboration partners from non-university institutions including Federal Institute
for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) as well as “German Center for
Neurodegenerative Diseases” (DZNE) pharma and biotech industries actively support
our program

- BIGS DrugS Principale Investigators are engaged in basic and applied science. The focus is on the development of innovative drugs and advanced therapeutic approaches
- BIGS DrugS Principal Investigators are performing research on novel pharmacological
drug targets and new chemical and biological lead compounds as potential drug
candidates, and develop innovative therapeutic concepts based on stem cells, RNA-
or nanotechnology
The following diseases are in the focus of interest:
- common diseases, e.g. related to the nervous and the cardiovascular system
- inflammatory, infectious, oncological and metabolic/gastrointestinal disorders
- rare and under-explored diseases
Structured Training
- BIGS DrugS offers talented PhD students a 3-year structured training program in
addition to their individual PhD research project - BIGS Drugs is part of Bonn International Graduate Schools. We collaborate with other
Bonn Graduate Schools and the Bonn Graduate Center/ Argelander Competence
Center. Moreover, BIGS DrugS cooperates with the Transfer Center enaCom of the
University of Bonn (a translator and catalyst between science and stakeholders
outside of the scientific community). Thus, BIGS DrugS can offer a wide range of scientific workshops, seminars, lectures, and talks. Soft skills workshops offered by the Bonn Graduate Center complement the program - BIGS DrugS offers an optimal research and training environment and an excellent
education for a successful career entry

Board Members
The BIGS DrugS Board is responsible for the organization of the scientific part of the BIGS DrugS program. The board consists of four researchers: Two from each faculty, two are speakers and two are vice speakers. BIGS DrugS board members will be elected for a 3-year term by the Principal Investigators.

Prof. Dr. Alexander Pfeifer
Institute of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Biomedical Center
Faculty of Medicine

Prof. Dr. Christa E. Müller
Institute of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical & Medicinal Chemistry
Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences

Prof. Dr. Philipp Sasse
Institute of Physiology I
Faculty of Medicine

Prof. Dr. Finn Hansen
Institute of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical & Cell Biological Chemistry
Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences
Members of the Faculty of Mathematics & Natural Sciences
Principal Iinvestigators
Members of the Faculty of Medicine
Advisory Board
The Advisory Board provides recommendations and comments on the scientific and strategic development of the training program. The advisory board members are from academia, industry or health administration/consulting. Current members of the Advisory Board:

Dr. Nils Burkhardt
Vice President, Head, Lead Discovery Wuppertal Bayer AG, Bayer Pharmaceutical, Germany

Prof. Dr. Verena Dirsch
Vice head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Vienna, Austria

Prof. Dr. Stefan A. Laufer
Chairman for Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Head Medicinal Chemistry, Department Pharmacy & Biochemistry, University of Tuebingen, Germany

Dr. Peter Nussbaumer
Managing Director & Head of Medicinal Chemistry, Lead Discovery Center GmbH, Dortmund, Germany

Dr. Andreas Wagener
Business Development Manager Pharma, Asahi Kasei Europe GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany

Advisory Board meeting 2023
Upon the invitation of BIGS DrugS speakers Prof. Alexander Pfeifer and Prof. Christa E. Müller the Advisory Board met in Bonn.
BIGS DrugS is well connected. Our current partners in academia and industry:

Pharma Center Bonn (PZB)
PZB scientists are active in drug discovery and development, as well as research into new targeted therapies. In order to structure, expand and improve the training of PhD students in the field of drug discovery and related fields, the PZB has established the BIGS DrugS at the University of Bonn.

Bonn International Graduate Schools (BIGS)
BIGS provides a framework for all structured graduate programs and offers support for organizational aspects and cooperation between the different graduate schools.

Tuebingen Center for Academic Drug Disovery (TüCAD2)
As part of platform one, TüCAD2 is part of Eberhard Karls University's Excellence Strategy. TüCAD2 was founded to facilitate drug development and research. TüCAD2 organizes a. o. the Lecture Series TüCAD2. BIGS DrugS PhD students can participate in.

Bayer AG
Bayer Pharmaceuticals enables BIGS DrugS PhD students to visit the Wuppertal site. The PhD students can gain insights into industrial drug discovery.
Bayer AG annually awards three prizes for outstanding PhD theses in the field of life sciences in cooperation with the PZB and the LIMES Institute.
Coordination Office
Please contact us if you have questions, suggestions or comments about the BIGS DrugS program or the application procedure, preferably by email. We are happy to schedule a phone call, zoom or personal meeting.
Read more
Training Program
3-year interdisciplinary training program with workshops, lectures, seminars, talks and events in addition to the student’s PhD research project
Principal Investigators
Research experts in all fields of drug science and pharma-research from two faculties, focusing on a broad range of subjects, and embedded in large international networks.